“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney. To Summit Up’s first birthday is coming up and it has come A LONG WAY since those early days. This entire progression has been an incredible learning process and I am super proud of what it is becoming. Let’s continue to grow To Summit Up together and promote the positivity and benefits getting outside and to the mountains has. Reach out to me (tosummitup.story@gmail.com) and let’s chat about ways that WE can create our best life story in the mountains.

In this Trail Talk Nuggets Episode, I talk about:

  1. The early days of To Summit Up and the progression of getting started.
  2. The original blog name that ended up leading to google search results with a soft porn movie as the top search result (I like To Summit Up and the related searches quite a bit better!).
  3. This upcoming Friday’s episode with Cody Wiktorski about mental health, suicide prevention, and the connection of mountains to mental stability. You don’t want to miss this one.

If you enjoyed this episode, I ask that you please leave a review on iTunes. You will have the chance to be shouted out on a Friday episode as the fan of the week! Additionally, if you’d like to support the podcast and get access to exclusive content and posts, check out https://www.patreon.com/tosummitup.

To Summit Up Theme Song by Jordan Wolf. https://www.instagram.com/jwolfy3/

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